====== Modifications to DokuWiki ====== This is a log of modifications made to this DokuWiki install, that would not persist through updates. ===== Plugins ===== Tweaks made to plugins. If plugin is updated, check if the modifications are still necessary, and recreate the modifications as needed. ==== bootswrapper ==== **Bootstrap Wrapper Plugin**: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:bootswrapper Problem with PHP8 throwing errors. //Note: The errors don't actually seem to impact anything, but still not ideal.// - Grab a patched(-ish) version from GitHub here: https://github.com/41-north/dokuwiki-modifications/tree/main/plugins/bootswrapper - SFTP to NFSN/wiki.41n.co and navigate to ''/lib/plugins/bootswrapper'' - Replace the copies of ''script.js'' and ''/syntax'' on the server with the copies downloaded from the GitHub fork. - (If you have admin access), check the DokuWiki logs to see if ''bootswrapper'' is still throwing array errors. ===== DokuWiki Core ===== Modifications to the DokuWiki core files, images, etc. ==== .conf files ==== Modified .conf (configuration) files are located at https://github.com/41-north/dokuwiki-modifications/tree/main/conf_files. As of 2024-12-31, the following modified .conf files are in use: * ''interwiki.local.conf'' [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/interwiki#configuring_interwiki_shortcuts|DokuWiki Documentation]] * ''smileys.local.conf'' [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/smileys|DokuWiki Documentation]] ==== Icons ==== === External link icon === Icon: Material Symbols ''open_in_new'' [[https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material+Symbols+Outlined%3Aopen_in_new%3AFILL%400%3Bwght%40400%3BGRAD%400%3Bopsz%4024&icon.query=arrow&icon.size=24&icon.color=%23e8eaed|Link]] Icon color ''#888888'' / ''rgb(136 136 136)'' Changing this icon involves tweaking the Bootstrap3 theme files. To make these changes: - Repossess the correct theme file (due to restrictive web server file permissions) - Log in to the NFSN member portal. - Go to **Sites**, select ''wiki.41n.co'' - In **Actions** on the right, click on **Repossess Files** - Paste in ''public/wiki.41n.co/lib/tpl/bootstrap3/css/template.less'' and hit **Request Repossession** - Check the //Recent Event Log// to make sure that the request went through - Modify the CSS template file: - Open the CSS template file: ''/home/public/wiki.41n.co/lib/tpl/bootstrap3/css/template.less'' - Scroll down to lines 28-30, starts with ''a.urlextern'' - Update line 29 the icon identifier is ''icon=mdi-earth-arrow-right.svg&color=%23666666'' - TIP: See a modified copy of this file [[https://github.com/41-north/dokuwiki-modifications/blob/main/templates/bootstrap3/template.less#L29|on GitHub]]. - Save the file and push back to the server - Fix the file permissions back: ''chgrp web /home/public/wiki.41n.co/lib/tpl/bootstrap3/css/template.less'' === Internal document icon === Icon: Octicons ''repo-locked'' [[https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/main/icons/repo-locked-16.svg|Link]] Icon color ''#595959'' / ''rgb(89 89 89)'' :TODO-Wiki-Editing: :TODO-Technical-Docs: Finish this section. Using Interwiki links to the ''internal'' namespace. ---//THH 2025-01-02T1519-05// ==== Smileys ==== Changes and additions to the built-in smileys. Things to note: * Custom smileys live on GitHub [[https://github.com/41-north/dokuwiki-modifications/tree/main/smileys/smileys|here]], and on the web server at ''/home/public/wiki.41n.co/lib/images/smileys/local'' * The custom smileys conf file is on GitHub [[https://github.com/41-north/dokuwiki-modifications/blob/main/conf_files/smileys/smileys.local.conf|here]] and on the web server at ''/home/public/wiki.41n.co/conf/smileys.local.conf'' * Custom smileys should not be overwritten on a DokuWiki upgrade since they are in a ''local'' directory and have a ''.local.conf'' file. * After uploading additional smileys, fix file permissions with ''chgrp -R web /home/public/wiki.41n.co/lib/images/smileys/local'' * After making changes to smileys, clear the DokuWiki cache via the admin tools menu See the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/smileys|DokuWiki documentation]] for more information about working with custom smileys. You can refer to [[wiki:labels|Wiki Labels]] for more info about building custom smileys and/or "labels".